Background :
47.2% of world population lives in rural areas. Out of which 23% do not have access to safe drinking water on a day to day basis. On an average a women or a girl child (which are primarily responsible for fetching water) travel over 2.5 kms daily to fetch 100 liters of water exposing themselves to physical abuse, rape, other health issues. Resulting in spending majority time away from house and children, school, other productive activities. Currently available technologies such as electric or diesel pumps or battery operated pumps require regular maintenance, high running costs, and adverse effect on mother Earth. Hence the need of innovation and the birth of Solar Dual Pump System to eliminate all the constraints in the current solutions and provide a 24x7, automatic, maintenance-free and sustainable solution.
47.2% of world population lives in rural areas. Out of which 23% do not have access to safe drinking water on a day to day basis. On an average a women or a girl child (which are primarily responsible for fetching water) travel over 2.5 kms daily to fetch 100 liters of water exposing themselves to physical abuse, rape, other health issues. Resulting in spending majority time away from house and children, school, other productive activities. Currently available technologies such as electric or diesel pumps or battery operated pumps require regular maintenance, high running costs, and adverse effect on mother Earth. Hence the need of innovation and the birth of Solar Dual Pump System to eliminate all the constraints in the current solutions and provide a 24x7, automatic, maintenance-free and sustainable solution.
Solution :
Born in 2007, Solar Dual Pump solution is an integration of existing and popularly known hand pump technology with advanced solar pumping technology with the SAME riser pipe. It works purely on the solar energy to pump water in an overhead storage tank and has the hand pump installed ONLY for adversely cloudy/overcast conditions, WITHOUT batteries/grid/diesel genset,etc. More details in the technical specification document. Making it a 100% GREEN system providing 24x7 water to the villages. The advantages of storing water in an overhead tank, allows water distribution setup to work brilliantly for washing, toilets, other purposes. It comes with a Iron removal/ De-fluridation system which provides clean water for drinking purposes. The filtration system works on gravity and comes with (programmable) SPAN smart card system for proper utilisation of water. More details in the Technical specification document. We understand the importance of WATER. Hence all our systems are designed to avoid over-usage or wastage of water. Appropriate sensors and access controls are incorporated to ensure the same. As on date, we have installed and commissioned over 5000 such systems in India, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Bangladesh, Ghana, Burkina Faso, etc providing safe drinking water to over 1,250,000 villagers, saving 437,500 man hours every day. This time saved, brings infinite opportunities for the villagers such as spending quality time with their children, education, learning new skills to earn money and others.
Born in 2007, Solar Dual Pump solution is an integration of existing and popularly known hand pump technology with advanced solar pumping technology with the SAME riser pipe. It works purely on the solar energy to pump water in an overhead storage tank and has the hand pump installed ONLY for adversely cloudy/overcast conditions, WITHOUT batteries/grid/diesel genset,etc. More details in the technical specification document. Making it a 100% GREEN system providing 24x7 water to the villages. The advantages of storing water in an overhead tank, allows water distribution setup to work brilliantly for washing, toilets, other purposes. It comes with a Iron removal/ De-fluridation system which provides clean water for drinking purposes. The filtration system works on gravity and comes with (programmable) SPAN smart card system for proper utilisation of water. More details in the Technical specification document. We understand the importance of WATER. Hence all our systems are designed to avoid over-usage or wastage of water. Appropriate sensors and access controls are incorporated to ensure the same. As on date, we have installed and commissioned over 5000 such systems in India, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Bangladesh, Ghana, Burkina Faso, etc providing safe drinking water to over 1,250,000 villagers, saving 437,500 man hours every day. This time saved, brings infinite opportunities for the villagers such as spending quality time with their children, education, learning new skills to earn money and others.